The Holy Ghost is an amazing 24/7 teacher. He speaks/teaches us even while we sleep. Over and over He repeated the word multidimensionalThis is what He explained when I awoke. Since He is in us and we one with the fullness of Him who fills all in all (Eph.1:23) then we have that same dimensionality that He does (He showed me the universe and how precisely the Father designed it: degrees, angles, positions all intricately laid together; nothing out of order or balance; perfect design). If there is disorder it is never from Him. His will be done on earth as it is in heaven...that's our responsibility to pray for and believe. He revealed how we change things just by praying for someone/laying hands/praying at a distance. This alters everything on all dimensions. As the Holy Ghost repeated this word multidimenstional....when I awoke from sleep he revealed that as the Word says: what we bind on earth is bound in heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. This is an actual spiritual reality. We take charge on earth and then it effects what happens in heaven (the whole universe is effected by what we pray/believe). The enemy has stripped us of this knowledge to convince us we are victims or God doesn't care....We share His, the Father's no time/all time dimensionality. He said in a word "you are multidimensional" (that is we); a walking expression of our LORD effecting the world around minor detail as we share His presence, will and love...whether we are praying for someone to be healed or sharing the truth of the Gospel. That's why healing works because in Him it is already done and we simply loose what has been accomplished; bringing 2,000 plus years ago to the present (this is all time/all at once). Bringing His will is being led by His Spirit...for as many as are led by the Spirit of God these are sons of God....and what do sons do....the will of the Father...... We have made Him soooo small and therefore us as well....He never fit in a box and neither do we because we share the same nature (co-joined to Him). It should be a surprise if someone doesn't get healed not the other way around...we are effecting reality either agreeing with His eternal truth or the devil's carnal fact. We have to exert (exercise what He has given us or the enemy will). It should be impossible to be defeated because He always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus....He lives in us. The Kingdom of Heaven has been poured out into our very frames...nothing less than the God in Heaven residing in us as! 

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